If I Had Only 4hrs Per Week, Here's What I Would Do...

Dear Friends,

Sorry for being a day late...

In this issue I'm sharing a tactic that's made me hundreds of thousands of dollars, and now helping a local pastor to use it as well.

This is something I learned from my friend, Kevin Nations, who has taught this to hundreds of coaches. Some who have gone on to make millions with this. You can have it set up by the end of the week, and maybe land your first client in May!

The hardest part is getting over your fear of charging $1,000.

You're going to be tempted to charge less because you think it's about your own sense of worth. However, its not, it's about the market pricing of consulting services. It's your loss, not mine, if you decide to charge less.

Remember, you have to charge enough to afford your marketing too.

Remember to share your work in the pro community or by using the hashtag #happilyunemployed on Twitter.


These links are here to help you take action on the lesson below...

How To Make $4,000 Per Month By Working 4 Hours Per Week

Would an extra $4k/mo help?

Then you’ll dig this story…

Every Wednesday I sit at my local coffee shop from 2-5pm.

And I coach people for free.

Recently I sat down with a local pastor who said “If I could make $4k/mo it would change my life and I wouldn’t have to take a paycheck from my church.”

We settled on charging $1k for coaching calls. At first he said $100/hr and I said well you want to make $4k/mo do you want to do 40 calls a week or 4?

We both agreed 4 calls a week was more in line with his schedule and bandwidth.

As a pastor, coaching is an easy segue into business. He’s basically already a coach, but in the religious sense.

To be able to charge $1k per call, we simply need to target people who can afford to pay that and solve a problem worth $10,000+.

For example, pro athletes and executives. More on targeting later.

This pastor told me “if I get someone on the phone who sincerely wants help, I know I can change their lives. I just don’t know how to get them on the phone.”

I told him my background and how a major portion of my clientele was coaches who had the same problem.

I remember when Russ Ruffino was starting out and helping him with his coaching funnel. Taki Moore has reached out many times.

I know the coaching space very well.

So I drew him out the process you see in the picture below.

We dug into his stories of how he helps people and picked a good one.

This story will become his case study video.

I instructed him to shoot a video telling the viewer…

  1. The problem his client had
  2. The solution he gave
  3. The results they got


Everyone wants to hear how someone else solved a problem that they are having too.

Now, instead of saying “Hey will ya please hire me.”

He gets to put out social posts and ads that say “Free video reveals how to solve x problem.”

And then we simply point out the “book a call” button below the video.

Now, one more KEY 🔐 to this whole thing…

Make sure you zoom in to the application page questions.

I used my history in sales to come up with these questions, they are a critical piece of what makes this system work.

As you can imagine, a local pastor doesn’t want to do sales calls or manage sales reps.

The questions we ask on the application page get the prospect selling themselves and admitting that they are or are not willing to pay.

You can simply just add stripe to your calendly page and automate the sales.

Or do a “discovery call” for free and simply say “would you like to continue this monthly? Ok great, I’ll email you a payment link.”

If they object (80% won’t) you just repeat back their answers from the application. They said they wanted this, you aren’t forcing anything.

I've included examples, tutorials, and articles in the helpful links section that will help you know exactly how to set this up. If you're in our pro community, happy to answer any questions or review your campaigns in there.

Otherwise, I'll see you'se guys on Twitter @IMJustinBrooke

Justin Brooke
Formerly of AdSkills
Happily Unemployed for 20yrs

"With Justin & Chaunna's Help
We Made $21,000 in 30 Days!


Rebekah & Josh Edwards · Clara, Marketing Agency