😎 Are You Making This Mistake?

Dear Friends,

I'm writing this to you while sitting in a 42-foot-long RV.

Actually, it's where I live, I have 17 acres in the Appalachian Mountains. And I earned the money for this $70,000 RV with an affiliate check.

Actually, it came in two payments, so two checks of $35k.

Every little $70k helps.

It's nothing to scoff at.

And every business whether you sell physical products, digital, or services can add on a little affiliate revenue. You can't sell every product, and there ARE other products your customers are already buying.

But there's one HUGE mistake people make with promoting affiliate products...

Are you making this mistake?

Keep reading to find out...


These links are here to help you take action and do what you learn in the lesson below...

How To Dominate Affiliate Promotions with Unique Bonuses

Would an extra $70,000 this year help?

If you've ever tried to promote an affiliate product and didn't make many sales, then it's likely 1. wrong market or 2. you didn't offer a unique bonus.

I'm going to assume you know your audience and that your mistake isn't promoting high-end make up to diesel truckers.

You've probably done everything right.

  • You presented the products benefits
  • You clearly listed the pros & cons
  • You had a strong call to action

What happened?

Why did no one buy?

Well, what happened was...

The Reason Why Rookies Lose Commissions

You did a great job selling the product, but you gave them no real reason to buy from you and only you. When you promote ANY product that has an affiliate program, you're entering a sea of competition.

Many others are also promoting that exact same product.

If you don't offer a unique bonus, but the next guy does, then why should the customer buy from you? Usually, just a quick Google search will lead the customer to coupon codes, cashback offers, and unique bonuses offered by more savvy marketers.

But you're not going to lose anymore.

You're going to be one of those savvy marketers winning commissions.

A whale amongst minnows.

The Best Bonuses to Use & How to Create Them

Whenever I promote an affiliate product, I like to point out at least one major flaw in the product.


If your product review is only positive, then no one will really believe you're being honest. No one believes in a "perfect product" and adding a flaw actually makes your review more believable.


I'll offer a unique bonus that no other affiliate is offering, that acts as a fix for that flaw. Which then creates a scenario where if the customer buys from someone else they know they are buying a flawed product.

But if they buy from me, they are getting the fix for that flaw, or in essence, a perfect product when combined with my bonus.

For example...

I am currently promoting a workshop that helps businesses win more customers from social media.

It's called Engagement Tsunami, and it's great.

The workshop is 3 days long and about two ladies who have split-tested hundreds of social media posts, started a new profile from scratch, and sharing the stories of what worked best.

The only problem is it's only 3 days long, what's the customer going to do for the other 362 days of the year when they need help?

That's where my unique bonus comes in.

When they buy through MY affiliate link, I'm giving them a full year of my weekly group coaching calls. Now, they get the workshop (only $37) AND they get a full year of help from me (someone who's sold millions from social media).

For less than $50, now the customer gets a 3-day workshop, 100+ proven social media hooks, AND a full year of group coaching.

It's a no-brainer.

And that's how you need to make YOUR customers feel.

Bonus Type #1:

Use your own product as unique bonus when they buy through you.

But this isn't the only type of bonus you can use.

I once was promoting this EPIC paid traffic course, it taught all the methods, and had dozens of hours of content. It was probably one of the most in-depth paid traffic courses I'd ever seen.

I was actually stuck on how to add a bonus.

And then it came to me.

The problem was how EPIC it was. People were intimidated by the sheer amount of time it would take to consume all of the content inside.

I whipped up a little 3-page fast action guide.

It told them which videos they could skip, which ones to watch right away, and how to get results within 72hrs instead of waiting weeks until they watched everything.

(That course is currently outdated, or I would link you)

Bonus Type #2:

Create a simple PDF, template, or spreadsheet that adds immediate value

This is the type of bonus I usually create.

My own product isn't always the right fit but happens to work well for that workshop.

For most affiliate promotions I'll create a PDF guide, free template, or spreadsheet that creates instant results when the customer buys through my link.

With the right bonus, some people will buy through your affiliate link just for the bonus. They may not even care about the affiliate product, or the bonus is so good that the affiliate product becomes the "bonus."

Some of my customers obviously realize instead of paying $79 to get a year of group coaching, they can buy the workshop through my link, as a loophole get it for $37.

PLUS, they get the workshop and 100+ hooks.

The affiliate product becomes the bonus.

Bonus Type #3:

Coupon codes or cashback bonuses

If you're not good at coming up with clever bonuses, or maybe you want to promote LOADS of affiliate products making it impossible to make that many unique bonsues...

The simplest bonus you can offer is a cashback offer or coupon code.

There are whole websites that do only this.

They'll join hundreds of affiliate programs, ask the product owners for small discounts, create a coupon code to track their sales, and then collect commissions on the leftover.


If the product owner was offering 30% commission on the product, and they offered a 10% discount with the coupon code, then their leftover commission is 20%. Sometimes, these guys even convince the product owners to give them the full commission too.

Or let's say you make $50 per sale from an affiliate product.

You then tell all your viewers that when they buy from you, they'll get $25 cashback. This is how those websites that offer cashback on your normal purchases work. They work deals with the product owners, and they get a commission and basically just split their commission with you.

All of these ideas have made millions.

Any of them will work.

What won't work is you promoting affiliate products without bonuses.

Guys like me will come along and eat up your commissions because the customers just simply get a better deal buying from my link instead of yours.

Now you know.

Before I leave, we've added 18 tutorials on various tools like ConvertKit, CapCut, WebFlow, Google Analytics, and more inside Happily Unemployed. You get all of those tutorials + weekly group coaching calls for only $79/yr.

Or if you buy this workshop for only $37 you get the workshop + all the tutorials + the weekly group coaching calls for a year.

Justin Brooke
Happily Unemployed