How To Get Your First 1,000 Subscribers For Free

Dear Friends,

In this issue we are going to discuss a social media tactic called "Auto-DMs."

In case you haven't noticed, social media platforms don't like when you drop links to your own website or Youtube videos. They throttle your post so it's not seen by many.

How then do you build your own email list with social media?

Enter... Auto-DMs.

The fastest way I've ever built up my email list is by using Auto-DM campaigns, so lets talk about how they work.

Remember to share your work in the pro community or by using the hashtag #happilyunemployed on Twitter.


These links are here to help you take action on the lesson below...

The Fast, Easy, & Cheap Way To Build Your Email List

Do you want 10,000+ subscribers?

When you first start any business you have this vicious cycle where no one knows you and so know one finds out about you.

Also, because no one knows you, then you don't have much sales.

Without much sales it's hard to have the money to invest in advertising so the problem just kind of perpetuates itself.

What a lot of people do is they start getting spammy. In their desperation they resort to spamming peoples email or social media private messages. Or worse they just join a bunch of groups and blast their links all over the web.

That's like the guy who shows up to a family party and starts handing out business cards. Uncle Sal, he's trying to pitch everyone on his new network marketing opportunity.

But there is a better way.

There is a way to actually force the social media algorithms to show you to more people.

It's 100% legal.

Zero spam.

And people will be so happy that you do this that they'll leave comments asking you to tell them more.

Sound too good to be true?

Here's an example I did back in 2023 on a social profile that I had just started 3 months prior. This got me 188,500 views and over 600 comments!

This type of post is called an "Auto-DM" campaign.

Instead of you spamming peoples social inboxes, they ASK YOU to send them a message.

Inbound leads!!

All you have to do is write up a short post (max 280 characters) telling people about some cool free thing you've just made. In my example it was a Google doc with specific info.

In other examples a guy wrote out a list of the top supplements in his niche. In just 5 days his post has been seen by 35,000 people.

Many people are seeing success with this.

The best part is it's free to do.

The only time it costs money is if you buy a tool like HypeFury or TweetHunter or ManyChat to automate the process aka "Auto-DM." Even then it's still under $100, but I did my first 10 Auto-DM campaigns by hand.

Yes, that's right...

I hand replied to hundreds of comments.

You either pay with time or money, no way around that. But it is possible.

So get out there and get it done.

I've included examples, tutorials, and articles in the helpful links section that will help you know exactly how to set this up. If you're in our pro community, happy to answer any questions or review your campaigns in there.

Otherwise, I'll see you'se guys on Twitter.

Justin Brooke
Formerly of AdSkills
Happily Unemployed for 20yrs

"With Justin & Chaunna's Help
We Made $21,000 in 30 Days!


Rebekah & Josh Edwards · Clara, Marketing Agency