The Year Was 2007, I Made My First 6-Figures, & This Still Works Today!

Like I promised...

Here is the story about how I made my first 6 figures online, and why I feel like it works even better today.

But first...

This is not a story about how I made my first dollar online. That's a different story, and a different method, you can read about that story on Twitter though.

This story is about when I made the jump from pidly money to big money.

And how you can follow the same path today.

The year is 2007...

WordPress was NOT popular yet, as it was in version 1.0.

Most people are building their websites with Dreamweaver, XsitePro, Frontpage, or SiteBuildIt. But then there was this other little nerdy option called Joomla.

I loved Joomla.

It even still exists today.

It’s a lot like WordPress in that it has plug-ins and works off of databases. However, Joomla is more for building membership sites whereas WordPress is at its core a blogging platform.

Back then ANY thing was better than having to write code, so even nerdy tools like Joomla was still quite the attractive option.

Just one problem.

Joomla was super tough to install.

The only option was logging into the Joomla forum and reading the documentation provided by the makers of Joomla. And let me tell you… Instructions written by coders make for horrible reading material.

It was like trying to read 8pt font in the dark while the NyQuil kicks in.

So imagine the response I got when I posted a tiny little ad that said…

“Learn Joomla With Video Tutorials”

It was like selling candy bars outside of a Weight Watchers meeting.

People jumped at the chance to be able to build their Joomla sites by watching step-by-step video tutorials.

The ad sent them to a page with a video on it.

That video showed examples of Joomla websites that could be built, a list of all the lessons taught inside, and a short clip of one of the lessons.

Underneath the video was two links…

Learn more


Ready To Buy

The “Learn More” link took them to a long form written sales page explaining everything they would get inside the 35 video tutorials. With a money back guarantee, testimonials, and a checkout button.

While the “Ready To Buy” button took them right to the checkout page.

Guess how much I made my first month?

Only $35

But that’s because I was only spending $2/day on Google ads. Facebook wasn’t out yet. And Google had a new feature called “site targeting” which let you run ads on other people’s websites.

Today that feature is called Google Display network.

Here’s how it works…

You find a page on the internet that your target customers would definitely hang out on often. Like the home page of USAToday. Then you put that website URL in as your target inside Google ads.

You set your daily max and your cost per click.

Then you create aa little text based or banner ad to run on that specific page.

It’s the sniper targeting of paid ads.

My second month I made $150, Then $500, Then $1000 and I doubled my money every month for 11mos. By the end of the year I had made 6 figures.

And it all started with just $60 in Google ads.

Here’s why this works even better today…

First of all…

We didn’t even have retargeting back then. To make things even better, today you have thousands more software programs to make video tutorials about.

Despite all the tutorials available on YouTube people STILL buy courses about InfusionSoft, or Hubspot, or ConvertKit, or ClickFunnels, or even Wordpress.

But even if you don’t want to go that route, you can build a VERY profitable channel on YouTube just doing these tutorials.

Take a look at Miss Excel or Thomas Frank for example.

She makes MILLIONS!

Thomas Frank GAVE UP his 2 million subscribers to start a channel all about Notion.

Notion is a productivity software.

He then created a Notion template and offered it for sale, which is now making $180,000/mo.

Let me tell you, the software training niche is a GOLDMINE!

Despite all the free tutorials on Youtube, people still buy books, courses, templates, and more for Photoshop. Same thing goes for people trying to learn Canva or ChatGPT.

I'm looking for 50 people that I can work with closely on live calls to teach this business too. If that you and you want to save 50% off the full price, then click here to learn more.

See you inside!
Justin Brooke