Quickest Path To Earning Affiliate Paychecks

Dear Friends,

Are prices going up in your area too?

Many of my local friends are really starting to feel the effects of the economy we are in. People can't move out of their houses or apartments because house prices have skyrocketed.

Grocery prices are getting nuts, $9 for a 12 pack of soda! I remember when they were 2 for $5 deals on 12 packs.

The dollar store isn't a dollar anymore.

McDonald's dollar menu is not a dollar anymore.

My heart breaks for people going through this, I don't see it getting better anytime soon. Which is why I started HappilyUnemployed, to help people earn their way out of this mess.

This is not my first recession.

I went through the 2008 one as well.

Both times, my Internet skills carried me and my family through as if we were the only ones in town wearing raincoats in a down pour. So please, if you know anyone struggling, forward this specific newsletter issue to them.

This is the fastest, cheapest, easiest way I know of to start earning an income online...


These links are here to help you take action and do what you learn in the lesson below...

The Fast, Cheap, & Easy Way to Making $100+ Per Day

Would an extra $100 everyday help any?

Ever since 2007 when I interned with an Internet millionaire (Russell Brunson), my family and I haven't stressed about finances. We have lived a very blessed life, traveled the world, and been able to help many others.

To continue helping others...

This is what I would do, if I lost everything, to get my bank accounts refilled.

Step #1: Build a Blog

The foundation of everything I do and have done for almost 20 years now, has always centered around having a blog. It is the Swiss Army Knife type of tool, that I go back to time and time again.

First thing people always ask me...

Which blogging tool should I use?

My answer is...

The one that you will actually use!

I prefer ConvertKit or Ghost these days, but that doesn't mean all the others blogging tools don't work. Medium.com is great, and I used Wordpress most of my career.

But right now, ConvertKit has this crazy free deal where you can have up to 10,000 subscribers, unlimited landing pages, and unlimited email broadcasts. ALL OF THAT FOR FREE!

I'm running my blog on ConvertKit right now, this post is being sent to you through them and also immediately published to my blog as a new blog post. You can see it here.

Step #2: Find a "Hair-on-Fire" Problem

If your hair was on fire, would you care how much a water bottle costs???

Would you take time to consider whether you really want to buy that water bottle or not? NOOO! You would snatch that water bottle out of my hand quickly and figure out payment after the fact.

Right now, literally, all around the world people are buying something somewhere. EVEN in the heights of the depression people were buying something somewhere.

While you sleep, cash registers are ringing in Las Vegas, Tokyo, and many other places.

You don't have to trick people to get them to give you money.

You just need to figure out what they are already on the way to buy, and then jump in front of them with that thing they already want to buy.

For example:

  • Lose weight before your wedding
  • Stop panic attacks
  • Earn money in a recession

These are the common ones, but if you'll take a week to do some serious Internet sleuthing, you'll find one of your own. One that you are passionate about fixing.

Like for me right now, I'm passionate about helping honest Nigerian business owners find legitimate ways of accepting transactions online. Because of so many scams in their area the honest ones struggle to even be able to run a legitimate business.

Find a problem in the world that ignites your inner passion, and then find a product that solves that problem, and partner with that product owner by becoming a referral partner.

There are many products you can refer inside Clickbank, PartnerStack, or ShareaSale.

These companies will give you a referral tracking link, just like the ones I used above for ConvertKit & Ghost, and when people purchase through YOUR referral link YOU get paid a % of the sale.

This is how I literally (no hype) earn commissions while sleeping.

Step #3: Create a Product Review Page

Your normal week to week blogging, should just be information. My favorite system is to find 52 questions your target customers would be asking, and then just write one blog post per week answering one question per week.

52 questions = 52 weeks in a year.

However, these question type blog posts just bring people to your blog. You then need to convince those people to buy something from you.

This is where you need to create a product review page.

Don't over think this.

It's just another blog post, but this time you're going to tell the reader everything you know about the product. Ideally, YOUR OWN experience with the product.

For me...

I've made it a rule (and a promise to my readers) that I NEVER promote a product I haven't actually used myself and/or that I know the owner directly and trust them.

It's important to be honest and ethical online, no matter how clever you think you are, people have a 6th sense when things are deceptive. Even if you get away with it once or twice, it will come back to bite you when they leave reviews or tell their friends.

Just be cool, and be honest. I promise it works.


Every post on your blog should link to your product review page. This way the more you blog, the more people you can be sending to your product review page.

Your product review page should contain pros AND CONS. No one believes in a perfect product. There is always some kind of feature that isn't good, so make your review more believable by adding a couple cons to your review.

Finally, always add some kind of bonus that they get when they buy from your review page. For example, if you buy ConvertKit through my link I'll send you a PDF of the first 7 emails you should write in your welcome sequence for all new subscribers.

What happens when you add a bonus, is now they want to buy from you instead of just going and looking for some coupon site to buy through.

In a perfect world, your bonus should fix one of the cons you mentioned.

For example, if you're promoting a weight loss product but you notice they don't include a grocery list for the foods they recommend. You could create that easy, and now you have a bonus that fixes the flaw in the product you are promoting.

Now, if they go anywhere else to buy the product, they know they are buying a flawed product, but if they buy through your link, they get the fix to that flaw.

If you'd like to learn more about this, I went in-depth on this last Thursday on our mentorship call. I showed examples of good product review pages, and good blog posts, even showed a few more tips I didn't have time to cover in this issue.

You can bring your blog to these live calls and I'll be happy to review them and give you tips to improve it. They take place every Thursday at 4pm eastern for Insider members.

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