Screw FB & Google, Do This Instead...

Dear Friends,

The cost of FB ads is increasing.

SEO is in danger due to AI.

For the average DIY marketer, things are looking bleak. If only we knew someone who's been around since before FB ads and SEO, so we could ask them how they got website visitors before all that.


You're in luck my friend.

That person just so happens to be... Me!


These links are here to help you take action and do what you learn in the lesson below...

How To Get Website Traffic Without FB ads, Google, or SEO

Having been on the Interwebs longer than FB ads & Wordpress…

  1. Makes me your Internet marketing grandpa 😂
  2. I know ways of getting traffic without FB or SEO

Let’s dive in…

First thing you have to realize is that the Internet is comprised of millions of websites.

While Facebook and Google are very big websites, they are actually just a small % of the entire web.

  • Reddit
  • Quora
  • 4Chan
  • HackerNews
  • Pinterest
  • StackExchange
  • Tumblr
  • Rumble

These are just a few of the massive community websites I could think of off the top of my head.

But then there are also massive forums like…

  • Bodybuilding .com - the home for muscle heads and hard gainers
  • MacRumors - the home for Job’s fanboys and Mac freaks
  • Overclock - the home for PC master race gamers
  • Flyertalk - the worlds most popular frequent flyer community and digital nomads

But wait there’s more…

Then you also have massive email lists.

  • MorningBrew
  • MarketBeat
  • WorldNewsDaily
  • Christianity today

I could go on and on.

All over the web are these massive pockets of people. Congregations of like-minded individuals.

And you don’t need “targeted traffic” because these little rivers of customers are already highly targeted.

Ok so how do we get those people from there to here.

Here being your website.

Ideally your lead gen pages.

First, I need you to understand that the phrase “traffic generation” is a misnomer.

We don’t generate traffic.

Traffic already exists, visitors are already wandering around the web. You just need to attract them over to your corner of the web.

It’s more appropriate to think of it as traffic attraction than traffic generation.

#1 you need to find and join your massive pocket of people.

If you sell lifestyle business courses or coaching, maybe hang out in FlyerTalk.

If you sell fitness advice or supplements, maybe hangout in Bodybuilding.

Reddit & Quora are great because they have pockets for everyone.

Join them, become part of them, don’t try to sell right away. Just infiltrate and do recon work.

That’s research.

#2 Once you know who the leaders are and the popular topics start making friends with the leaders by commenting on their posts, encouraging them, befriending them.

Also, start doing what they do. Offer valuable posts. Like I’m doing here right now.

As you do this people will check out your profile where you can have links to your pages. They will start trusting you and following you.

Eventually you’ll gain enough respect and trust to earn partners and perks.

#3 If all of that is too slow, ALL websites accept money. Meaning, you can just pay to win. You can pay the owners of the website for what’s called a direct buy or dedicated email.

Obviously, Reddit may be too expensive for this but if you’re willing to do your research and learn to negotiate you can find really amazing deals.

And many times, these deals are blue oceans because everyone else is fighting for FB, Google, and SEO.

Meanwhile, guys like Matt Paulson from MarketBeat has 4mil subscribers because he buys email ads in niche emails.

Same with Bill Bonner, owner of the BILLION-dollar Agora publishing company who does the same.

I would like to help you with this more, it's just hard to do so by email.

What if you and I got on weekly live calls and discussed this? Think that would help you faster?

Then click here to get on my live call schedule...

"With Justin & Chaunna's Help We Made $21,000 in 30 Days!"


Rebekah & Josh Edwards · Clara, Marketing Agency