😎 Stripe's L.O.P.A. Secret Makes Billions [STEAL THIS]

By the end of this email, I'm going to show you a business model that 66.7% have never heard about.

And I'll prove that very specific number.

But first, let's expose big techs BILLION dollar playbook...

Most of you probably watch/listen to guys like Frank Kern, Gary V, Hormozi for your business advice, and I used to do that too when I was getting started.

My fave "guru" was always Russell Brunson.

I am biased though, because I was his intern and he taught me everything he knows.

But as I matured, I realized there were bigger fish.

It's cool that these gurus make millions, but I'm talking about dudes that make BILLIONS!

I'm talking about the THREE comma club, not the two-comma club.

But wait!

I can hear you through the screen...

"I don't want a big corporate company that makes billions"

That's not my vibe either.

I want (and have) a chill business, working from home, traveling when I want, tons of family time, and enough money to retire comfortably.

That's why I study these big cats, learn their BILLION dollar ways, and then apply them to my own tiny little business working from home.

They just have more efficient models.

Decision time...

Are you gunna aim for the stars and at least hit the moon?

Or will you aim only at the moon and miss the stars completely?

You can stop reading here if you prefer learning from Internet gurus.

No shame.

No hard feelings.

You just won't be the right fit for what I'm showing you next then...












Ok then!

Let's deep dive into how Stripe make's money...

As of June 2024, Stripe is valued at $50 billion.

In 2021, after deducting fees paid to partners, Stripe recorded a NET (after expenses) revenue of $2.5 billion. That's what THEY MADE after processing over $640 BILLION through their software.

Now let me ask you two questions...

  1. What do they sell?
  2. How do they drive traffic?

The answers to these two questions SHOULD fundamentally change the way you think about online business. Because it's not just Stripe that is using this playbook.

  • Etsy
  • Ebay
  • Paypal
  • Clickbank
  • Patreon
  • Uber
  • AirBNB

All of these big players are using the same tactic.

Which is...


Leveraging. Other. Peoples. Audiences.

If you're anything like I was, then you are trying hard to build your own audience. Maybe through email lists, or Youtube, or Instagram, somewhere - somehow - you just needed an audience to sell to.

And then you, like me, were then trying to create your own products and services to sell to that audience.

What if I told you that is all wrong.

  • Stripe doesn't make its own products, they help YOU sell YOURS.
  • Etsy doesn't make its own products, they help YOU sell YOURS.
  • AirBNB doesn't own any rooms for rent, they help YOU rent out YOURS.
  • Uber doesn't rent out cars, they help YOU rent out YOURS.

Are you getting it?

All of these companies take a small % in exchange for helping you sell what you sell.

But I haven't even gotten to the best part.

They don't need their own traffic.

They let YOU drive all the traffic.

Think about it...

  • Who drives traffic to Patreon? The Youtube Influencers do!
  • Who drives traffic to Clickbank products? The affiliate marketers do!

All of these big tech companies, are leveraging your audiences to help you sell more, and then taking a cut of every sale.

Which brings me to the new business model...

It's called "Growth Operators."

Here's the good news...

We are VERY EARLY on this one guys.

  • In Google Trends, there are no searches for this term before 2021.
  • SEMrush says only 40 people per month are searching the phrase "what is growth operating"
  • There are CURRENTLY NO BOOKS on this subject in Amazon!

For once in your lifetime, you've landed on something way before anyone else.

This is like becoming the first "funnel hacker."

Or getting started as a "fractional CMO" before everyone else got into it.

But let's back up a little...

What is Growth Operating?

It's a new business model that has emerged from the explosive growth of Internet influencers.

As of 2023...

  • There are 1,200 Youtube channels with over 10mil subscribers
  • There are 41,000 Youtube channels with over 1mil subscribers
  • There are 388,000 Youtube channels with over 100k subscribers
  • There are 2.9mil Youtube channels with over 10k subscribers

Let's cut out the 10k subscribers, as that's more of a "micro-influencer" and let's focus on people who have greater than 100,000 followers or subscribers.

Those are legit influencers.

With massive audiences.

And there are now hundreds of thousands of these influencers.

Here's the issue though...

Most of these guys know nothing about sales funnels.

Or they do, but they're so busy creating daily content that they have NO time to build them.

This is the case with the 3 guys I'm currently helping.

My friend Jesse from church, he runs a YouTube channel all about Crypto, and has 221,000 subscribers. However, when I meet up with him at our local taco shop, he's always telling me that what he does for content creation is such a full-time job that he has no time left for creating his courses and communities.

Same thing for my new growth operating client, Kap, who has 1.2 million subscribers on YouTube, he basically MUST keep creating videos to keep that going and asked me to take over everything else. I'm in charge of his email list, building out his sales funnel, and he's giving me a very generous % of any revenue I create.

Just last week I brought on another one Jacob, another Youtuber with 1.5 million followers. He doesn't even know who guys like Russell Brunson and Frank Kern are yet. That's how little he knows about sales funnels, courses, and get this... he has NEVER run any FB ads.

But he has this MASSIVE audience and needs help monetizing it.

It's not like they are ignorant.

All of these guys are smart.

They are just too busy creating content and keeping up with the algorithms demands, that they have no time left for actually building the most profitable parts of their business.

Enter the Growth Operator.

As a growth operator, you help these influencers launch products and leverage THEIR massive audiences to drive all the sales. And they pay you a % of every sale because you set it up for them.

Instead of YOU creating a product or service and then trying to drive your own traffic (which is hard), you build products for the influencers and let them drive all the traffic.

  • Just like Stripe does.
  • Just like Patreon does.
  • Just like Clickbank does.

Why struggle with SEO, paid ads, and fighting for crumbs on social media when you can just leverage other people's audiences.

Even if you do make your own products, you still need your own testimonials and expertise.

But as a growth operator you can leverage the expertise that the influencer already has. They already have thousands of raving fans. All you have to do is help them setup some paid communities or courses, and they will film the courses for you.

This is what I've been doing since I sold AdSkills.

I have 5 mega-influencers I am working with.

And I want to show you how to land your own mega-influencers.

Which is why I am launching "Growth Operator Blueprint" a step-by-step course that teaches you how to setup products for influencers, run the sales campaigns, and land them as clients.

I'm even giving you my own proven templates and email campaigns to use.

You can learn more about it and enroll today...

​Justin "Growth Operator" Brooke
Happily Unemployed For 20 Years

P.S. What questions do you have about being a growth operator? What is your #1 concern or thing you wish you could learn? Just hit reply to this email and let me know...





